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Listing ID: 74776
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U.S. gov issue otv and other army items

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Indianapolis - gary

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The war is ending in iraq iam home now and sell my militry gear wont need it any more 1.U.S. Gov issue interceptor body armor level 4 acu 2.U.S. Gov issue mich helmet with night vission mount 3. U.S. Gov issue ballistic level 3a half mask 4. Gov issue armyacu coat uniform with velcro 5. U.S gov issue ballistic sun glasses protects against 9mm and harmful lasers uv rays. Very good deal iam offering for limited time all itema are United States Goverment Issued to the us army and us marines. Some pictures are not shown due to not enough space

Misc U.S. Gov Issue Otv And Other Army Items Misc U.S. Gov Issue Otv And Other Army Items Misc U.S. Gov Issue Otv And Other Army Items

This listing has been viewed 2117 times.

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