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Listing ID: 205998
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Mac 10 & AR15

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Springfield - Westside

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I have 2 firearms I am selling together. The first is a M4 flat top AR15. The upper on the rifle is BCG, carbine length, with a nice midwest industries quad rail and an awesome muzzle break. The lower is Rock River Arms and the complete rifle is in great condition. The rifle will come with 3 mags. The second firearm for sale is a like new Velocity Vmac9mm. I say like new because I have put less than 50 rds down the tube. Included with the Mac is a barrel extension and 1-32rd mag. The gun fires and functions flawlessly, but I have had my eyes on something different and I'm selling both guns to fund a different project. The price for both is a very fair price of $1200. Text if you are interested, 417 nine eight seven one eight three seven

Pistols Mac 10 & AR15

This listing has been viewed 1359 times.

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