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Listing ID: 140602
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Snake Charmer 410 pistol grip

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Cincinnati - Harrison

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I took this in on a trade about 10 years ago. It had a busted stock. A few weeks ago I dug it out and fitted a pistol grip to it. Went outside and stuck a shell in and it did not fire.
The hammer spring feels weak. Dents the primer but didn't fire it. I only had a 20 year old box of shells and old tried the one. I actually didn't think about it being bad ammo until just now... The trigger guard is cracked. Gun looks cool and would be great home protection.

Ray 5l3..4O4-3744 no texting.
I will trade for 22 ammo or cash

Shotguns Snake Charmer 410 Pistol Grip Shotguns Snake Charmer 410 Pistol Grip Shotguns Snake Charmer 410 Pistol Grip

This listing has been viewed 19310 times.

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