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Listing ID: 40985
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Star Arms Firestar Plus 9mm

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Cincinnati - West Chester

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Hello all, for sale today is a good little carry pistol. Star Arms Firestar Plus 9mm, 3.5" barrel, Serial # 51-04-01046-95. This is a pistol manufactured during the merger with Interarms, and a favorite of middle eastern military and police forces. The "Plus" is a compact, 10rd. magazine. It isn't much to look at, but is built like an anvil, has a heavy barrel, shoots great, is easy to carry/conceal, and you won't feel like a schmuck having a $1000 shooter out in the elements or in your glove box (if that's what you do). It is by far the easiest handgun I've ever owned to field strip & clean, no small akward parts (see pic 3). You get the pistol, mag, and a bore snake. Barrel and action kept clean and lubricated with Tetragun ointment. THIS LISTING IS FOR OHIO RESIDENTS ONLY, NO EXCEPTIONS. I am a legal gun owner & Ohio resident, and you must be as well, and be willing to prove it by having valid Ohio I.D. Other terms of sale include a bill of sale to protect us both. This pistol was originally purchased from an FFL licensed, Ohio gun dealer, with full paperwork. Thanks for looking. -JP

Pistols Star Arms Firestar Plus 9mm Pistols Star Arms Firestar Plus 9mm Pistols Star Arms Firestar Plus 9mm

This listing has been viewed 8612 times.

***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***

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