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Listing ID: 73114
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9MM Tactical PISTOL

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Toledo - Oregon

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I have a really nice Taurus Tactical 24/7 OSS that has the Desand Sand Grips. It featuresTaurus' Revolutionary Single / Doube Action Trigger System that fires nomally from a smooth Single Action Mode, yet, if a Primer fails to ignite, it provides a Life Saving Second Try ay Firing a Faulty Cartridge, a Feature No Other Pistol on The Market OFFERS. The Aggressive Checkered Grip Allows a Glue Like Grip on the gun even with Sweaty or Bloody Hands, and it has the Combat Necessary Ambidextrous Decock / Safety Levers that Allow for Cocked and Locked and / or Double Action Carry. It has a Remarkable 18.5 lb. Recoil Spring that Cycles the Slide Faster. It has the Heavy Match Grade 5 & 1/4 Inch Barrel. It come with the Original Case, Owners Manual, Two 17 Round Magazines and the Warranty Card that hasnt been Filled Out. Ive only Fired 20 Rounds Thru it, and Im still not up on Striker Fire but it shoots really nice !! And it can be yours for only $450................................. I would be interested in a trade for something like a Sig Sauer SP 2022, P229, Taurur 92, Beretta 92, S&W 5906, a 1911 strle 9 MM, anyway something along these lines.....

Pistols 9MM Tactical PISTOL Pistols 9MM Tactical PISTOL Pistols 9MM Tactical PISTOL

This listing has been viewed 1859 times.

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