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SA Vz58 Sporter . 7.62x39 side folder. It comes with Two 30 rnd mags and around 100 rounds of ammo. In excellent condition! It looks like an Ak but much better. More reliable due to how the bolt works. It is completely different. It has a non rotating bolt. It is cnc milled and weighs around 7 lbs. The bolt stays open after the last shot. It is striker fired. It is a Czechoslovakian designed rifle . You can load it with stripper clips. These are well built quality rifles. If you are interested in a trade or to buy you can contact me at 602-434-2470 thank you for your time.
***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***
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