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Listing ID: 845291
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Henry .410 lever shotgun, ammunition & case

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Delaware - Townsend

This listing is no longer active. Click here for more Shotguns in Delaware.

Henry lever action .410 shotgun - like new, used at gun range on one occasion
Butt stock shotgun shell holder
16 boxes of 5 Remington rifled slug shells (80 total)
1 box of 25 Winchester # 6 shot shells
Otis .410 shotgun cleaning kit with Hoppes # 9 bore cleaner
Allen Tac6 Versa-Tac 42” Gun Case

Henry model # H018-410R
19.75" smooth-bore barrel
2.5'' chamber
Fixed, cylinder-bore choke
Drilled and tapped receiver
Brass-bead, front sight
Adjustable rear sight
Side ejection
Tubular magazine
Sling swivel studs
Internal transfer bar safety
No manual cross-bolt safety
Ventilated, rubber recoil pad
Matte blue barrel and receiver
Checkered American walnut stock
Made in USA

Serious inquiries only.... Private sale, will not ship.

Shotguns Henry .410 Lever Shotgun, Ammunition & Case Shotguns Henry .410 Lever Shotgun, Ammunition & Case Shotguns Henry .410 Lever Shotgun, Ammunition & Case

This listing has been viewed 349 times.

***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***

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