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Listing ID: 634961
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358 Winchester Brass

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Pensacola / Panhandle - Crestview

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100 empty cases of 358 WINCHESTER formed brass for reloading. Brass is formed from deactivated Lake City military 7.62X51 NATO (308 Winchester) and is factory annealed. NO mixed dates! Brass is formed & full length sized with RCBS dies. The military primer crimp is swaged and the primer pocket is enhanced to facilitate easy priming. Brass is hand inspected, trimmed to 2.005", and cleaned/polished. Case mouths are deburred and chamfered. Ready for you to reload! Be sure it is legal to purchase this item in your location. More is available upon request.


(2 bags / 200 pieces are available.) US POSTAL SERVICE Flat Rate Box shipping IS available. Please contact us for INFORMATION & applicable RESTRICTIONS!!!

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Ammo 358 Winchester Brass Ammo 358 Winchester Brass Ammo 358 Winchester Brass

This listing has been viewed 294 times.

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