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Walther P99 AS 40 Smith & Wesson Military Green, used.Top is black and frame is green
Would prefer to trade for 12 gauge shotgun for son's team at school. Used is fine, looking for something of equal value, something that can hold up to 100-200 rounds a week. I have offers for a Remington 1100, but would like to have something as dependable but a little nicer.
Everything in the pictures are included: pistol, (2) 10 rd clips, (3) backstraps, holster extra sights, case and manuals. Most of the wear is from being caried in the case, and a couple of misc. scratches.
I'm in Columbus, GA; but can drive to meet if I need to.
You can go to this website to look at the price of 593.00 new, without the extras, in all black frame:
This listing has been viewed 8020 times.
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