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Listing ID: 164750
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Ruger Hawkeye, .256 cal. single

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Chicago - Aurora

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Ruger Hawkeye, .256 Winchester magnum cal. single shot pistol. Serial #1460, mfg. 1963 only. Excellent condition. 98% blue. You might think you have a bully Ruger collection sports fans, but alas it's NOT complete without the ultra rare single-shot ill-fated "Hawkeye". This specimen has the correct 8 1/2" barrel, original grips and the correct "Hawkeye" marked factory scope mount on the barrel top. One of the weirdest offerings old man Ruger ever dreamed up... it quickly tanked and sunk without a trace with low sales, hence making it one of the "Holy Grails" of the Ruger collecting world. This one is wonderful with just some marks on the barrel. Excellent bore. Really cool red "lightning" strikes on the right side of the frame. Ruger black monogrammed smooth walnut grips are excellent. The Hawkeye has a unique swivel breech that is activated by a button on the left side that makes the breech block swivel left so it can be loaded on the right side. Ejector rod. Looks

Pistols Ruger Hawkeye, .256 Cal. Single

This listing has been viewed 1726 times.

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