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Listing ID: 801235
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Pistols For Sale / Trade

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Des Moines - Urbandale

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Cutting Back my Collection. Retiring. Moving. > > But, I Will Trade Pistols for Military Rifles or Military Pistols. IOWA SALES and TRADES Only. (515) 491-7832.

Smith and Wesson Model 5906. In 9 mm. Nearly Immaculate. Exceptionally Clean. With Four Hi Capacity Mags. (This is Not a police LE worn pistol.) $535.

Bersa Thunder. .380 ACP. Immaculate 1979 Once Fired Pistol. Factory Box, Manual, Two Mags. Walnut Grips. Spotless Handgun! $245.

CZ75 SP-01 in 9 mm. Unfired. New In The Box. Polymer Frame, Single / Double Action. Includes Factory Case, Two Factory Mags, Factory Target, Manual, Lock. $500.

Browning Hi-Power in .40 S&W. Unfired. New In The Box. Collector Condition. Matte Stainless Steel with Gold Trigger, Tall Factory Adjustable Sights. In the Browning Factory Hardcase with Manual. 2003 Production. $1,200.

American Tactical Industries Model 1911 in .45 ACP. Condition: Just About New. Standard GI 1943 replica. Matte Blue Slide and Frame. Wood Checkered Grips. Factory Box, Two Mags, Manual. $375.

Please Call Only on any of the above - provided you have a Valid Iowa Permit to Carry or Valid Iowa Permit to Acquire. Photos will be sent to Callers.

(515) 491-7832

Pistols Pistols For Sale / Trade Pistols Pistols For Sale / Trade Pistols Pistols For Sale / Trade

This listing has been viewed 1065 times.

***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***

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