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Listing ID: 139836
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Federal XM855 62gr 5.56

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Des Moines - des moines

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420 round Bulk-packed 5.56 x 45mm NATO ammunition is first run, first-quality ammo with the green-tip M855 (NATO SS109) 62 grain FMJ steel core “penetrator” bullet. Comes in 10-round stripper clips packed in a steel M19A1 ammo can. Manufactured at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant to Federal Cartridge Company specifications for commercial ammunition. The boxer-primed, reloadable brass case is headstamped with the Federal symbol and date of manufacture. Water-resistant lacquer-sealed primer. Every cartridge is visually inspected before packing. For use only in rifles with chambers designed for 5.56mm x 45 ammunition. Some ranges prohibit steel core ammunition; check range rules before shooting this ammo. Stripper clip guide included

This is Brand new, non-opened ammo can. It still has the factory sip-tie intact. This stuff is selling for over $400...if you can even find it. If they happen to pass a ban on ammo, the penetrator round will be the first to go. Get it while you still can. The only reason I am getting rid of this is that I have plenty more, and I am looking to trade for other ammo. I'm looking for good quality, brass cased 9mm, and 45ACP. Let me know what you have.

Ammo Federal XM855 62gr 5.56

This listing has been viewed 849 times.

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