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Listing ID: 102187
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LAST CHANCE S&W 38 Titanium Air Lite

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Des Moines - Urbandale / Johnston

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Going to trade this in shortly -
The lightest 38 revolver ever made - 10.65 ounces.
Model 337PD S&W 38 Special Air Lite Titanium Revolver Pre-Lock LNIB
If you need a light concealed carry revolver - this is the ultimate!
Titanium Cylinder, Black Anodized Scandium Alloy Frame.
I am the 3rd owner of this 12 year old revolver, the previous two said they have not fired it, and I have not either, though I did carry it in a pocket holster exactly twice. It is nearly mint condition, but there are a few light handling marks. Comes with original box & papers as shown. This is a rare revolver only made for 2 years in 1999 & 2000. This gun can shoot 38 Special and 38 Special+P, although it needs jacketed ammo, not the plain lead bullets. Click photo to enlarge. Buyer will have valid Iowa permit. Cash sale.

Pistols LAST CHANCE S&W 38 Titanium Air Lite Pistols LAST CHANCE S&W 38 Titanium Air Lite Pistols LAST CHANCE S&W 38 Titanium Air Lite

This listing has been viewed 6087 times.

***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***

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