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Listing ID: 823761
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Beretta 92FS with AAC M9-QD suppressor

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Iowa City - Iowa

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This is a Beretta 9mm model 92FS in FACTORY OD green (only 2000 made by Beretta) with the rare AAC Model M9-QD suppressor. This combination includes the special AAC barrel used with the suppressor as well as the original Beretta barrel. The special AAC barrel has slots on each side that are used to mount the suppressor (no threads, no 3-lug etc.). The suppressor has a level on the bottom that is depressed to mount the suppressor on the pistol. This innovative design also allows for sights to be installed directly on the suppressor. The military used / uses the same design via a Knights Armament system. The Knights suppressor, however, uses replaceable "wipes" inside the suppressor. The AAC version uses a more modern baffle system that does not require "wipes". These items are used and show some scuffs from normal use. This has been test fired and everything works as it should. The pistol comes with two mags, the suppressor manual, the extra barrel and a pistol case. The rare factory OD green host pistol makes the assembled system a great looking package

Pistols Beretta 92FS With AAC M9-QD Suppressor

This listing has been viewed 1341 times.

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