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Listing ID: 135389
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Bushmaster AR15 HBAR .223/5.56 Rifle

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Sioux City

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Bushmaster XM15-E2S HBAR .223/5.56 with a 20" HEAVY barrel (1:9 twist) and fixed carry handle. Comes with 2 30rd and 1 5rd mags. Also has detachable Winchester scope (WRS-433AO 4-12x44mm) mounted to a quick detach rail. Gun shoots great and has NEVER failed me. Can email/text additional pictures. May consider full or partial trades. Let me know what you have.
For 1800.00 I would include 1000 ROUNDS OF .223 AMMO with the rifle.

Rifles Bushmaster AR15 HBAR .223/5.56 Rifle Rifles Bushmaster AR15 HBAR .223/5.56 Rifle

This listing has been viewed 1013 times.

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