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Listing ID: 791631
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Vepr 7.62x39 23”

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Springfield - Rogersville

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Rare, no longer imported. Known as the Cadillac of ak’s.
VEPR Rifle in 7.62x39 is the top of the line in Kalashnikov action semi-automatic rifles. With features such as; Hammer forged heavy barrel, (including a chrome lined barrel bore, chamber, gas block and gas piston), 1.5mm thick receiver, RPK front trunnion, spring loaded firing pin, side scope mount, hand made walnut thumbhole stock with Factory Stamp marks. The VEPR is simply the highest quality rifle based on the Kalashnikov design.
No longer imported. 1 5rd mag and 1 10rd mag. Ammo available for purchase as well
Firm, no low ballers or trades. Cash only, local sales
Text 417-908-6395

Rifles Vepr 7.62x39 23” Rifles Vepr 7.62x39 23”

This listing has been viewed 632 times.

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