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Listing ID: 176455
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Jennings J-22 22LR w?extras

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St Louis - south county

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Jennings Firearms by Bryco USA. 22LR 6 shot semiautomatic handgun. Small and easy to carry and conceal. Made in the 80s. Has cosmetic holster and usage wear but shoots perfectly. Never had a jam using non-Remington round nose ammo so the gun is reliable. It is quite accurate for its size and age. Has side lever safety as well as ready to fire indicator. It comes with 2 additional magazines for a total of 3 and a reversable holster ( for left or right and inside or outside the waistband ) that will accommodate a crimson trace laser. The holster has a pouch on the front that will hold the 2 additional mags. I used it for plinking and carrying in my car for vacation or any emergencies. $140 for all ( 2 extra mags cost me $50 alone and holster was $30 ) FACE TO FACE CASH SALE ONLY. YOU HAVE TO MEET ME I WILL NOT TRAVEL. I will supply a receipt guaranteeing the gun is clear and legal. Contact me at 314-487-3765 ask for Mark

Pistols Jennings J-22 22LR W?extras Pistols Jennings J-22 22LR W?extras Pistols Jennings J-22 22LR W?extras

This listing has been viewed 497 times.

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