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Listing ID: 115245
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FN FAL .308 w/ Optics & extras

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New Hampshire


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This is an Imbel FN FAL in .308, with L2A2 Suit Trilux low light/quick acquisition scope converted to LED. This scope was professionally converted from tritium to LED in red, intergrated folding Bi-pod, fold away carry handle, shoulder sling. Comes w/ 2 types flash suppressors/muzzle brakes, 6ea 30rd mags, flat reciver cover if you wish to switch back to iron sights, 2 mag belt carry pouch and 100 rds ammo. $880 for everything, cash/money order only will not sell optics separately. Please no trade offers. Need the cash-diapers/daycare

Rifles FN FAL .308 W/ Optics & Extras Rifles FN FAL .308 W/ Optics & Extras Rifles FN FAL .308 W/ Optics & Extras

This listing has been viewed 4137 times.

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