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Listing ID: 234718
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S&W model 3913 NL new condition

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Rochester - Webster


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>Considered by most enthusiast, "THE BEST SEMI S&W EVER MADE"( Few with the NL option in this New Condition are available any longer) - Shot once and returned to the box by the owner. A rare find !
The Smith & Wesson 3913 NL is based on the model 3913 but with a slanted dust cover. Clearly this pistol was designed for concealed carry; with a bobbed hammer, Novak’s Lo-Mount rear sight and is about as flat and snag-free as you could hope for. It can be carried safely with the safety off or engaged, and quickly brought into its first shot double action mode. This pistol could be used for home defense and IDPA competition as well as for concealed carry.
Specifications :
Type: Pistol Fire Modes: Semi-Auto (DA)

Type of Finish: Stainless Steel Slide and Alloy Frame

Caliber(s): 9mm

Weight: 1.75 lb (0.794 kg)

Length: 6.81 in (173 mm)

Barrel length(s): 3.5 in (88.9 mm)

Capacity Single stack: 8-round Magazine (addition Magazine included)

Both original and Easy Grip Grip included.

Pistols S&W Model 3913 NL New Condition Pistols S&W Model 3913 NL New Condition Pistols S&W Model 3913 NL New Condition

This listing has been viewed 1412 times.

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