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Listing ID: 113034
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Conversion Kit for Glock 17, 22, 34, 35

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Akron / Canton - Stow

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I paid $380.00 for this but will sell for $150.00

Product Information
The Tactical Solutions' TSG-22 17/22 is a .22 Long Rifle conversion for GLOCK pistols. Purposefully designed for a more authentic training experience, the TSG-22 is manufactured from 4140 steel giving the shooter a more traditional weight and feel.

The Tactical Solutions' TSG-22 is designed to allow the serious shooter to train at a fraction of the cost when compared to standard centerfire ammunition. Each TSG-22 is installed with factory Glock sights and comes with one 15 rnd polymer magazine.

NOTE: This kit is designed to function with Plated, Round Nose 40 Grain High Velocity Ammunition. Malfunctions may occur when using sub-sonic, target or standard velocity ammunition. Hyper-velocity ammunition is NOT recommended.

Accessories Conversion Kit For Glock 17, 22, 34, 35 Accessories Conversion Kit For Glock 17, 22, 34, 35 Accessories Conversion Kit For Glock 17, 22, 34, 35

This listing has been viewed 850 times.

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