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I have up for Trade or sale a nice Arsenal SA 93 milled AK-47 with a chrome lined barrel. This AK is essentially indestructible. The SA-93 is considered one of the most desirable of the AK imports because they were a 100% Bulgarian-made Kalashnikovs with a milled receiver, and partially because they had the traditional 45 degree gas block and vented gas tube just as the original Type 3 AK-47 (AKK). Ak-47s do not get better than this. It comes with 2-30 round mags, and a sling. Have any questions, just ask. I am accepting all trade and cash offers. This is a super slick AK and the only reason I am even considering selling it is because I have 2. Make me an offer cash or trade offer the worst I can say is no, if it is a dumb offer I won't respond. Things I am interested in are AR-15's, high end AK's, Desert Eagle, high end model 1911's, Stainless Sig p226 elite with rail, or similar in 9mm. Norinco 56s. Daniel Defense M4( I can add cash), other M4's. Beretta 92fs plus cash or trade. Browning High power plus cash or trade. Pap stainless P-18 plus cash. Multiple gun trades. Make m an offer....
***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***
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