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Listing ID: 467073
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Glock 40 Long Slide MOS 10mm Gen4 with Red Dot

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Cleveland - Downtown / Euclid

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Up for sale is a like new Glock 40 Long Slide MOS Gen 4 10mm pistol. It has had less than 1 box of ammo fired through it. It also includes a Weaver Micro Red Dot Sight, (20) Rounds of Underwood 140 grain hollow point ammo, (3) 15 round magazines, speedloader, backstrap kit, MOS plates, cleaning kit, lock, original box, etc.

Here is Glock's description:

The G40 Gen4 in the MOS Configuration is chambered in 10mm and combines a full 6-inch barrel for an improved velocity with a magazine capacity of 15 rounds. The G40 Gen 4 in MOS configuration is a powerful yet easily carried pistol; perfect for the outdoorperson, hunter and sport shooter. It is designed to give the handgun hunter the ultimate choice in semi-automatic gaming pistol and has proven to be more than capable of taking down game such as Whitetail Deer, Russian Boar and even Feral Hogs.

Prefer to sell outright but will consider trades if you are realistic on the value

Pistols Glock 40 Long Slide MOS 10mm Gen4 With Red Dot Pistols Glock 40 Long Slide MOS 10mm Gen4 With Red Dot Pistols Glock 40 Long Slide MOS 10mm Gen4 With Red Dot

This listing has been viewed 1648 times.

***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***

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