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Listing ID: 72514
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Norinco M320 - UZI Clone

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Columbus - Grove City

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Norinco M320 unlicensed UZI clone semiautomatic with collapsable stock. 16" barrel
9mm parabellum/Luger

comes with:
barrel shroud
3 - 32 round magazines, one is serial numbered to the rifle
misc. odds and ends- original stock, foregrip

$600 cash firm
I will also accept Tokarevs, CZ 82, Cz 75, various Commbloc weapons, 9mm pistols plus cash on your end. Not interested in Hi Points or single shot shotguns.

call or text: 614-599-5457

Not interested in guitars, chainsaws, sunglasses or your dog.

Classic Arms has Century FrankenUzis for $700 and Gunbroker is all over the place.
Send snarky comments to email, I need a good laugh

Over 21, Ohio resident, be legally able to own firearm, etc.
I will delete ad when sold

Rifles Norinco M320 - UZI Clone Rifles Norinco M320 - UZI Clone

This listing has been viewed 3028 times.

***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***

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