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Listing ID: 51350
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Tec-9 Intratec AB-10

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Dayton / Springfield - Xenia

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I have a Intratec AB-10 for sale for $425. I need to sell this gun today so any reasonable offer will be considered. It is a semi auto 9mm which means it's pretty cheap to shoot. This is the stainless version which from what i understand is fairly rare. According to wikipedia "After the Federal Assualt Weapons Ban, Intratec introduced the AB-10, a TEC-9 Mini without a threaded muzzle and limited to a 10 round magazine instead of a 20 or 32 round magazine. However, it accepted the high capacity magazines of the pre-ban models". This gun comes with two 36 round mags, and the case. I am open to trades either up or down in value can add or take cash depending on the trade. Call or text Mike at (937)389-6600

Pistols Tec-9 Intratec AB-10 Pistols Tec-9 Intratec AB-10

This listing has been viewed 3178 times.

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