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Listing ID: 40148
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SIG Sauer P6/P225 West German Police 9mm

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Mansfield - Lexington Ohio


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Up for sale West Germany Sig Sauer P6/225 pistol.  That's right West Germany before the wall came down.   This pistol is in very good condition as you can see. All matching serial numbers. Bore is strong and shiny. The finish is very good as you can see.  The gun does not look to have been fired much.  However it does have wear from being holstered. Pistol date is 8/1980.  A true deal for a original Sig.  The P6 is basically a P225 that was specd for the German Police.

1x Sig Sauer Magazines
Leather Under Arm German Police Holster
Sig Sauer Storage Box 

I am a FFL so you MUST BE 21 to BUY. You must fill out a 4473 and have a valid state ID. The 4473 just checks to make sure you can own a gun it does not tell anyone what you bought. Not even the serial number. Price will include tax.

Ralph Cell 419-512-9608 9am-8pm EST

Pistols SIG Sauer P6/P225 West German Police 9mm Pistols SIG Sauer P6/P225 West German Police 9mm Pistols SIG Sauer P6/P225 West German Police 9mm

This listing has been viewed 8932 times.

***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***

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