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Listing ID: 655354
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Pietta 1851 Navy with extra cylinder

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Mansfield - Willard

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I have for sale a Pietta 1851 Navy .36 cal with the Original box, paperwork, and an extra cylinder. According to the paperwork the gun was originally purchased from Cabela's and was ordered with the extra cylinder. Italian date code shows 1994. Gun is in pretty good shape there are some light marks here and there and a small dent on the one side of the grips. I've shot this revolver maybe 50 times in the year and a half I've had it and have no complaints, it shoots pretty close to point of aim, the closest I've had a cap and ball revolver shoot. I will also throw in a Lee .380 Round ball mold and approximately 170 round balls. Asking $100 firm.

Pistols Pietta 1851 Navy With Extra Cylinder Pistols Pietta 1851 Navy With Extra Cylinder

This listing has been viewed 573 times.

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