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Listing ID: 49410
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Walther PP 22 LR.

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Toledo - Ottawa Hills

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This is a presentation grade pistol that has not been fired outside of the proof house in Ulm, Germany.
It is the original PP not PPK, PPK/S, or P. Also not made by Smith and Wesson
It is chambered in 22lr. which is the second most rare caliber next to the .25acp cartridge.
This pistol is "Old Stock" NIB with two 10 rd. mags with finger rests.
The grips are olive wood, and I also have target grips in black with thumb rest as well.
Included is the Pistol, Owners manual, case, two mags, both sets of grips.
I am open to realistic offers or trade's.

I require proof of age (21) and Ohio I.D; Drivers License, or CCW Permit.

Will trade for: 1911's in 38 Super, 45 ACP, 9MM, 10MM or Smith and Wesson Pistols, Revolvers, or shoot me an offer!

Pistols Walther PP 22 LR. Pistols Walther PP 22 LR. Pistols Walther PP 22 LR.

This listing has been viewed 2259 times.

***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***

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