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Listing ID: 888085
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Bersa Thunder 380 CC

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Youngstown - Warren

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Bersa Thunderer 380 CC for sale. This was my EDC and has about 200 rounds through it. It was cleaned and oiled completely every time it was fired. Great size for carrying inside the waistband, outside or ankle carry. Accurate and reliable. The only reason I am selling is that I want a 9mm to carry. Really like this weapon and I don't have to sell it unless I find the right deal. I am also interested in trading. Some guns that I am interested in are Ruger EC9, Kahr CT9, Bersa BP 9 or Taurus G3C. I would make a deal for these and any 9mm carry gun that is in the same shape as the Bersa 380. Just ask, worst I can say is no.

Pistols Bersa Thunder 380 CC Pistols Bersa Thunder 380 CC Pistols Bersa Thunder 380 CC

This listing has been viewed 879 times.

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