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Listing ID: 92257
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Bohica Arms .50 BMG

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Oregon Coast - Lincoln City

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Up for sale is a bohica arms .50 cal bmg. Its a single shot platform setting on top of a Smith an Wesson lower AR reciever and has DMPS internals.the butt stock is a mag-pul PRS. its has a bushnell with illumanated reticle in green or red and it has unlimited eye relief so there is no risk of scope eye.i did up grade the hammer spring due to the hard 50 primers. i have shot probably 100 rounds through it and have most of the brass to go along with it for anyone who reloads. i would like 1550.00 or best offer. I would consider trades for a hunting rifle of equal value.

Rifles Bohica Arms .50 BMG Rifles Bohica Arms .50 BMG Rifles Bohica Arms .50 BMG

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