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Listing ID: 236067
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Glock 17 Gen4 Cerakote Slide

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Reading - Shillington PA

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WTS: Glock 17 Gen 4 with Dark Grey Custom Mix Cerakote Slide. Only 60 Rounds Factory Ammo Through it and no Malfunctions. Internals Parts Polished whith Diamond Paste. Froglube Treatment, OEM Glock Extended Slide Stop, 2 17 round Magazines with Vickers Tactical Magazine Floor Plates Dark Grey Cerakote and one 17 round +6 with Arredondo Mag Ext. (23 Round), Backstraps, Cleaning Tools, Case, Magazine Loader, Lock and Papersworks. Always kept and Protected in a Humidity Control System. . Asking $500.00.

Note: The Factory Engraving on the slide not Deep, Because outside has double Cerakote layer for extra protection and extra durability.

Price: $500.00 Local. Shipped to your FFL add $25.00. NO TRADES!

Local Cash. Shipped Payment to be made by Paypal (giftmode) or USPS Money Order.

Text: (484) 350-2701
No Trades Accepted.
Price is Final and Firm.

Pistols Glock 17 Gen4 Cerakote Slide Pistols Glock 17 Gen4 Cerakote Slide Pistols Glock 17 Gen4 Cerakote Slide

This listing has been viewed 2054 times.

***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***

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