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Listing ID: 153161
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Ruger American Rifle .308 Scout Hog Brush Woods Gun

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Knoxville - west

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Ruger American Rifle in .308 set up for multi purpose hunting. Barrel is 16.5 inch and threaded for flash hider or sound suppersor. Lapped lugs and raceway. Polished bolt. Reworked inside of fore end to ensure freefloated barrel.
Rifle has had 30 rds through it.
Package comes with Millet DMS-1 scope. the DMS is a Designated Marksmen Scope designs by millett for CQB and medium range shooting. It has a built in red dot and you can turn it off and zoom in for longer range shots.
Burris Extream tactical rings.
Ruger cheek rest, with storage compartment, and bullet holders.
Extra factory four round mag.
Uncle mikes sling.
This rifle is set up and ready to hunt or just to have with you when out in the woods. total length with flash hider is 38 inches, and very light weight. This gun is great from 5 to 300 yards. the short barrel is more accurate. you may drop a little in velocity but when hunting in the woods and clearings this gun is right on point.
open to trades. This is not a 400.00 stock rifle. its had gunsmithing and new parts added.
must meet in west knox county. or ship to your ffl.

Rifles Ruger American Rifle .308 Scout Hog Brush Woods Gun Rifles Ruger American Rifle .308 Scout Hog Brush Woods Gun Rifles Ruger American Rifle .308 Scout Hog Brush Woods Gun

This listing has been viewed 3124 times.

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