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Springfield Government size stainless steel
Wilson Combat drop-in commander grip safety
Ed Brown flat mainspring housing
Wilson Combat match long trigger with trigger travel screw - gunsmith fitted
Maryland Gun Works 3 dot sight - gunsmith fitted
Commander hammer
4.5lb trigger pull with 18lb wolf mainspring,
4 mags, 1 - 7round springfield, 1 – 8 round chip mccormick, 2 – 8 round S&W
The Milspec frame and slide are untouched original. There has been no modifying, grinding sanding etc to the frame or slide. All fitting was done to the upgraded parts only. I still have all of the original milspec springfield parts and box.
$750.00 FTF
This listing has been viewed 489 times.
***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***
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