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Listing ID: 373617
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Mini 14 / M14 conversion

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Nashville - Brentwood

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This is a Ruger model 186 mini 14 M1A conversion . A work of art right down to operational trap door buttpad and 20rnd square magazine hard as hell to find . M16 (M7 - M9) bayonet will fit it
A lot of love goes into building a good M14 replica . Stock has to be cut down and M16A1 butt plate formed , fitted and painted , stock stripped , sanded , stained and several cots of boiled linseed oil , flash suppressor located and mounted , Accu stru ( Gas Block) mounted , M14 handguard gut down, fitted and refinished , safety selector drilled , M14 sling mounts and sling mounted , drain hole drilled properly .

text me 615-202-1705

Rifles Mini 14 / M14 Conversion Rifles Mini 14 / M14 Conversion Rifles Mini 14 / M14 Conversion

This listing has been viewed 1880 times.

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