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Listing ID: 107459
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used brass cases

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Austin - salt lake city, UT

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I'm selling quality, once fired brass. I am an avid reloader and buy my brass in mixed bulk from ranges. What I don't use I sell on my web site,
I have most sizes in quantity and a few of the unusual ones now and again. Right now I have a lot of 30-06, 243 Win, 30-30, 270 Win, 300 Win mag, 7mm Rem Mag and 308 Win.

I created a page at listing my brass inventory and availability. I can take most methods of payment and shipping takes 2-3 days.

for best response or call or text me at 801-638-6088 You can also email me at

Ammo Used Brass Cases Ammo Used Brass Cases Ammo Used Brass Cases

This listing has been viewed 760 times.

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