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Listing ID: 270457
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Dallas / Fort Worth - forney

This listing is no longer active. Click here for more Rifles in Dallas / Fort Worth.

have an ar15 with aero precision m4e1 upper/lower, aero precision 15" handguard, Odin works 16" .223 Wylde barrel, magpul str stock, ke arms dmr trigger set at 3.5lbs, iron city rifle works competition bcg in titanium nitride, 2 20 round pmags, magpul pistol grip, aero precision buffer tube and assembly, axts ambitious charging handle, vortex spitfire prism 1x red/green dot and utg 2 gun tactical soft case. I have over 2k invested.

Absolutely no trades! Thanks for understanding

Rifles Shaun Rifles Shaun Rifles Shaun

This listing has been viewed 494 times.

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