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Listing ID: 902217
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Glock 19C Gen 4 9mm UG1959203 G19C-Gen4

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Lubbock - Lubbock


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Perfect for everyday carry or self-defense, the GLOCK 19C Gen 4 Compact Semi-Auto Pistol is the first compact pistol offered as a part of the Gen4 series. This highly popular series has been a favorite of law enforcement, military, and now - thanks to its more compact size - it's ideal for the civilian. This fast-firing handgun features integral barrel ports, which reduce felt recoil and muzzle flip. This enhances your shooting performance, allowing you to more easily regain your target for a follow-up shot. The Modular Back Strap system lets you customize the pistol's grip to fit your exact hand size for more comfort and control. The Gen 4's strong polymer frame features rough texturing for improved grip. A dual recoil spring assembly keeps the shooting fast and smooth. The GLOCK 19 Gen4 compact pistol retains the GLOCK accessory rail for any aftermarket accessories you might want. Includes 3 magazines. Pistol is in factory new in the box condition.

Pistols Glock 19C Gen 4 9mm UG1959203 G19C-Gen4 Pistols Glock 19C Gen 4 9mm UG1959203 G19C-Gen4 Pistols Glock 19C Gen 4 9mm UG1959203 G19C-Gen4

This listing has been viewed 156 times.

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