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Standard Model (12â€, 16.1â€), Designated Marksman Rifle (18â€), and Sniper Model (20â€). The DMR and Sniper models will feature Geissele triggers. Each REPR rifle comes with one barreled upper but extra uppers are available in light contour 12†and 16.1â€, medium contour 18†and heavy contour 20†configurations. Custom packages including one lower and two or more barreled uppers are available. These packages can be had with a variety of optics and accessories. Contact our customer service department for specifications.
Trades and meet up are not welcomed..Please note that..No exception.... Must be shipped to an FFL dealer only.. If you are a very serious buyer,i mean serious buyers only,please call me on 662-235-1055 and if i am not on the phone at that time,please do not fail to leave a text message..I definitely would get back to you when i get it.Thanks for viewing.
***All listings, sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.***
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